How to Install Flutter

How to Install Flutter


2 min read

I'm going to describe it step by step as I tested in on my local machine (currently using M1 pro machine)

Step 1: Install Brew

Use the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 2: Install Java 8

In short, use this command:

brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk && brew install --cask adoptopenjdk8

Step 3: Install fvm using brew

Use following command:

brew tap leoafarias/fvm && brew install fvm

Step 4: Install flutter using fvm

Use following command:

fvm install <version>

Step 5: Try run flutter doctor to see what is missing

Use following command:

fvm flutter doctor

Step 6: If running flutter doctor for first time, then we need to set the fvm global version

Use following command:

fvm global 3.1.0

Step 7: Re-run the flutter doctor command in Step 5

Step 8: 
Download android studio

Step 9:

Download the emulator and other tools necessary inside Android Studio When finished it will show text like ‘Android SDK is up to date.’

Step 10:

Install the Android toolchain, and Xcode(?) Install plugins for flutter & dart in android studio

Step 11: How to fix ‘Unable to find bundled Java version’ on MAC OSX

step 12: install cocoa pods

sudo gem install cocoapods

Additional Steps:

  • set JAVA_HOME in ~/.zshrc if you haven't already done it

  • export FLUTTER=fvm flutter in zshrc file if you haven't done it

    export PATH="/Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools":$PATH export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk"


Following things might be missing or need to be checked

Good luck!